Sunday, March 9, 2014

Week 8-9.5: Shopping in Norrkoping, and my first hockey match!

Hi, this is Rebecca reporting for my backdated entry on my life in Linkoping. Hahaha. Right after the lapland trip, I had quite a lot of time to recuperate. I did not have any lessons. So I decided to do stuff. First on the list was to to go for a Swedish Ice Hockey match. I was not disappointed. It was quite an experience! I loved it. Hahaha. I think that the hockey players are being celebrated as celebrities here! So interesting.I will continue talking about it as I caption the pictures! :)

After coming back from lappland, I must finish the loaf of bread I brought there. So, it was leftovers for breakfast! I love their cucumbers here! It is really refreshing. :)

One of my favourites. Peas, corn and salmon with mee sua!

I was in ICA Malmslatt while my friend sent me a picture of them eating ice-cream. Of course, not wanting to lose out, I also went to buy ice-cream. Hahaha.

Very chocolatey looking ice-cream!

There was something in there that tastes good! Like caramel or something. Hahaha.

One of our Nordic Culture lessons brought us to Frisk & Svettis. We were greeted by the lady in charge and she gave us a fruit to gain some energy. I chose a banana! Hahaha. The lady told us that we could choose a gum class to participate in. Indoor cycling, gym training, movement(easy) and movement (tough). I was not dressed for the occasion, so I decided to go for the easy movement class. I was even contemplating to go back home, back I am glad I chose not to. The class was so fun! The class was held in a circle, and everyone moves around in the circle. Running back and forth in class and hopping around. Hahaha. Totally my kind of thing. I wished that they had gym classes like this in Singapore. No wonder people here are so happy to go to the gym. Heh heh. I would be too.

In my quest to taste all the candies available in Sweden, I went to buy a few bars of candy.

It was a little too sweet for my liking, but I think it was good. Not exactly very nougat tasting, but the smell is there!

Ran out of ham, I think. So I had my bread with lingon berry and honey! Nomnom.

My typical breakfast, but I realised that the strawberries in Sweden are not the sweetest I have tasted. They are fresh, but not very sweet. Oh well, I have never eaten cheaper strawberries. Heh heh.

Everytime I come back from a trip, I always have to wash at least three bundles of clothes. Hahaha. So I am always very happy to see all the washing machines empty so that I can use all of them. Hahaha.

I bought some instant Uncle Ben's rice. Cooking it was interesting. You cook it like pasta and then you dry the rice and eat it. Hahaha. I love the minced meat cooked like this. It is very nice~ I tried making the tomato egg, one of my favourites, with cherry tomatoes because I only wanted to cook one egg. It works!

We cycled to the Cloetta Center. I thought it was very modern looking. One of the more modern looking buildings in Linkoping.

The weather was changing! You can tell because the sky was still bright even though it was already 1800+! So sad! The sky will only remain brighter for the rest of the time I am here. :( But it is still an experience!

We were really early for the match so we got to see the the players practicing. You can see from the picture that the stadium was still fairly empty.

Just before the match started, they had little boys push around this black round thing. I was wondering what was it for the longest time! At first I thought it was the box of snuff? I do not know how to spell, but it is that nicotine patch thingie. Then, we finally figured what was it. Hahaha. It was a PUCK. Hahahaha. Advertisement for a puck. Hahaha.

See how crowded the place was? Hahaha most of the people were not the youngest! They were mostly middle-aged people! So interesting.

The entrance for the hockey players was so grand! It was very interesting because the home team got fire booming thing and their faces flashed on the screen whereas the competitor had a very quiet entrance.

I always thought that rugby was a very rough game. However, it is not the case! Ice hockey was very rough too! I know that the players were heavily padded, but they just slam each other against the wall! o.o

Used up my remaining rice for frying! nomnom.

My ice hockey tickets! We got coupons for free coffee, but I do not drink coffee, so I just kept the coupon for fun. Haha.

When I went to the migration centre in Norrkoping, I saw the trams again. When will I get the chance to take a tram? Linkoping does not have trams, only buses. :(

Norrkoping never fails to amaze me with their beautiful architecture.

Pretty pretty.

The dam looks much better now that the ice has finished melting. But I am a little sad about it. :(

I will come back to explore the place again!

Especially to visit the work museum and the city museum!

Nice canal!

I wanted the walk pass the little island, but we did not in the end.

A panorama of the place!

There was a small statue like thing at a little corner of the building. Really cool even though I have no idea what it was.

Decided to eat this kebab for 59 sek with meal. Seriously one of the cheaper meals here because everything is rather expensive~

The shopping street of Norrkoping! Despite being the closest town, there are many differences between Linkoping and Norrkoping! It is so very interesting.

Drinks with high alcohol content (above 3.5%) were only sold in Systembolaget, and it is a monopoly. they sell red wine in cartons there! So cool. Hahaha.

We had nothing to do and time to kill so we went to clas ohlson. I really like the colour of their logo. I guess it would appeal to people who like pastel colours!

The chocolate addict and her chocolates! I cannot imagine finishing so much chocolate, but I do not doubt Fion's ability to do so. Hahaha.

Tried another of the bars. But I like this one better because it has rice crispies in it.

Mee sua again! Hahaha. It is really one of my favourites! >.< With minced meat, it is really yummy!

One day in the forest. I really love the forests here. They are so serene and quiet.

A trail of flowers in the middle of nowhere! Brightens up my day. :)

What I see when I cycle!

A big meal of Rosti and meatballs and mushrooms with salad! 

Making taco meat for macaroni for potluck!

Leftovers. I kind of enjoy microwaving the food the next day. Look at how cheesy the macaroni is!

Writing my postcards from Lappland. I am going to send it to my family! :)

Best combination ever! I never knew that kiwi tasted so good with strawberries! It does! :)

The only thing that interested me from the magazine we got from the gym was the sudoku. Hahaha. So I played it. But I got stuck, so it was really cool when I got help from Freya, my friend who was in Singapore. Talk about international sudoku. Hahaha.

Vitamin C for breakfast! Kiwi and juice! Hohoho.

Pasta with chick peas? Yes please! And an egg? DUH. The awesomest dinner was created.

This was like some bar I ate before. I cannot remember the name. Hmmmm. But it felt like there were a lot of calories inside. Hahaha.

Look at the gooeyness.

Bought this cream from Norrkoping for less than 20$! I consider it quite a good deal! It was half-price!

Salad with meatballs! Yummy because you would not need to put any sauce. Very yummy.

Flowers on the ground. Pretty white flowers!

Pasta again! I bet I have some cheese underneath!

Look at the difference between the cheap and the expensive apple! One costs 1kg for $2 and the other is about 70 cents by itself. Hahaha. So much difference!

Vitamin C breakfast again! :) I enjoy honey with butter and bread. It is delicious!

Pasta with tuna! I loved it. I really miss tuna. :'(

In the forest again!

Look at how magical it looks! With the sunlight sifting through the trees. It was so beautiful.

I look a little fluffy here. Hahaha. But here's a selfie of me and the forest on a Sunday!

Tuna with salad for dinner! It was good! I really enjoy eating fish.

Is it just me or are my posts getting more boring. I think the bad thing about writing backlogs is that I lose a lot of details in my posts and what I remember is highly restricted to the pictures I have. Sad, but true. My memory is not that good. :(

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