Saturday, February 1, 2014

Week 3: I am not the newest corridor mate anymore!

Decided to stay home for the weekend for a change. I kept walking in and out of the corridor and realised I was not the only one doing so. A new corridor mate is in! Prior to this, I have been counting how many neighbours I have. No matter how I counted, I could not make it up to 8! I was troubled because my curiosity was killing me. My questions were answered today. However, I still have no idea what are the names of my neighbours. Hahaha. I just say 'Hey!' very awkwardly, do my stuff and walk(flee) back into the comfort of my room. 

The week was mildly exciting. I did new stuff, explored new places and I am getting prepared to do even more when we go up the mountains next week! :)

On Sunday, I decided to walk to the supermarket Coop near Gamla Linkoping. I took the faster route this time round. Yay me! Now I can declare that I will probably not get lost so easily now!

The crest of Linkoping reminds me of the crest of SAJC! With a tiger in front. Roar!!!

Taking a new route back. It was a long long way, but I saw the BBQ pit (it was like a campfire place!) and playgrounds.

Soccer/ball games field.  It was turning dark when I was walking home. Look at the sky! I think this was around 1600.

Fairytale-like/coniferous forest. Looks like the one Snow White got lost in.

Dinner that night! Poached eggs, mee sua and veggies! Nom nom.

Breakfast the next day! I realised that the aglio olio tastes SO GOOD with the cheese. Nom nom.

A shop selling horse stuff! Look at the saddles! *.* Felt kinda jealous when I was here :x

Tried the IKEA ice-cream here. It was 5 sek. (S$1) Singapore's cheaper, I think. 

Dinner that day. I think that was bread with bacon and cheese. I ate it with instant soup and beetroot salad. Best buy of the week for 1 freaking sek (~S$0.20)! Woo-hoo! The supermarket near Ryd (where I stay) sells it for 19 sek! I bought it because it was cheap. AHHH. Tastes so good! It is just beetroot with mayonnaise, but it tastes so good with the bread. <3 <3 <3

I had to finish my bread by that day, so I decided to eat it with ice-cream! Nomnomnom.

Good stuff! Food for lazy people.

It was so delicious, it deserves three pictures!

I made a trip to the supermarket, so I bought new supplies for the week. Sausages, cucumber and tortilla with cheese for school!

Breakfast version includes an egg.

Sorry for the orientation, but I am too lazy to move it. Aglio olio with cheese and beetroot!

I also bought their version of Milo. I wanted to drink it the way I always do, with milk and powder, but I realised that it will dissolve into cold milk! Tastes nice, but I wish I could eat it powder form. Eaten with blood oranges and digestive biscuits! I think the biscuits are addictive. Better not buy too many packets of biscuits or else I have to drink more herbal tea and feel guilty again. *sheepish look*

Veggies with minced meat and glass noodles. Not bad!

I realise that the snow melts on my hair when I walk into my room. This is the evidence.

I like what I ate so much, I ate it for a few days. I have this habit of eating the same thing for a while, so this is good, because I can finish up the food at the same time.

Granola with biscuits and....

MILK! This is lazy Rebecca's breakfast! Their granola here is half the price (750g x 2 pkts = S$9) compared to Singapore and it tastes so good! It also fills me up real good. So I stocked up. I have 2 more boxes in the kitchen now. Hahaha.

End product.

Got a snack from IKEA. We shared and split the food/bill. I was not hungry, but 4 meatballs and one potato was 10 sek. S$2. It was satisfying because I rarely eat meat here. I have only been eating processed meat like bacon and sausages so far. I have some minced meat at home, but I hardly eat it. I am saving it for my pasta sauce when I get back. I cannot wait to go grocery shopping when I get back. BUY ALL THE CHEESE (AND MILK).

At the stadium outlet. There are really good deals there, but I was not there for shopping. I was there to accompany people so I did not buy anything! Hehe. Funky sunglasses! The sunglasses here does not really fit me because I have no nose bridge. Haha.

 Wearing a beanie. Somehow I look so bad in them.  :/

My onion, named Ion. I had to cook a dish for reunion dinner, Linkoping style, so I had to chop off some of it to garnish my tomato egg. :'(

After chopping of some spring onions.....somehow my ion looks happier now (delusional) because it looks like it does not have so many things to hold up. Hahahaha.

Ingredients to be cooked that day. I made tau suan! The taste was there, but then because I left it cooking for too long, the texture was ruined. :( I am sad about it. I think I overcooked, so I ate a lot of tau suan that night. I think it was a good thing because I was not very full till I ate my tau suan. Vanessa said she was the same. Made me feel better. :) I think I can try making it when I am back in Singapore.

My tomato egg, which was really lacking in coriander, but I think it was still okay. :)

Dishes for the night! Bak Kut Teh by Charissa and Rebecca, veggie with mushrooms and minced meat and meatballs by Geric, rice by Vanessa, Cod fish by Pei Yi, Tom Yum by Zhijian, Thingamagic by Samson, 3 1.5L drinks by Ming Da and Han Jie, Potatoes by Clara, tomato egg and tausuan by myself and random oranges by other people. Hahaha.

Breakfast and lunch for Pei Yi and myself!

Zoomed in Pei Yi's lunch.

Zoomed into my breakfast with grapefruit juice.

Happy Chinese New Year! A picture with Vanessa before we go our separate ways. (Me to ice-skate and her to shopping)

Zoomed in lunch. Hahaha. It is all the same thing, you must be sick of looking at it. Tortilla with tomatoes, cucumbers, sausages, romaine lettuce, cheese and sausages!

It started snowing so heavily! I only managed to complete 400m of skating and a bit. I will go there again and practice! I must accomplish this!

Heavy snow storm! My hands became numb from untying the laces from the skates.

My bag was sitting on the chair in the shelter and it also had snow on it! That is how heavy the snow was! It was like the heavy rain in Singapore, but a very silent one.

 Snow on my bag #2

Snow on my bag #3. The snow here is quite different from the ones I saw before. It does not really have the distinct snowflake shape. Just a flake of ice for most of the snow.

Blurry picture of Fion taking a clearer(I hope) picture of the place.

The little kid there kept falling down and he kept picking himself up. I think as we grow older we start becoming more and more afraid of falling down. I am the best example.

Me, all frozen and iced up. Look at the hair!

I went back and ate a really big bowl of tom yum glass noodles. Nomnomnom.

Blood orange for breakfast.

The dryer I used. I had no idea how to use it, thank god for google translate. I just pressed on buttons. But my denim did not really dry, so I am a little sad. It is alright, I can dry it in the toilet. 

A machine which I cannot identify. It writes there mengel. Even google does not know. It rolls backwards and forwards.

Late lunch. Almost the same thing, but with leverpastej. Somehow it is not so shiok. I do not think I will buy it again because it has a short expiry date.

Snowman I saw on the way to try the bicycle. I am really sad about it because I like the bicycle, but it was too tall for me! I cannot even hop up. :(

I was hungry when I got home, so I ate my new bread with ice-cream. Then, I started to cook dinner. But after putting the potatoes to boil, I realised that I am super full from the bread. Hahaha. So I decided to wait till I become hungry. In the meanwhile, write a blog entry. Working so well so far! I might end up not eating in the end though, Maybe nom on a potato, but I am full, I think. 

My plants suddenly started growing really slowly! I am a little worried for their lives because I will not be here next week. :/ I hope that Vanessa takes good care of them *crosses fingers*

I managed to open my pickles! Nomnom! This is my dinner tonight! I have decided that my corridor mates cannot cook well. Hahahaha. I always see them eating frozen food and they always microwave their food! they cook in bulk, and then ration them through the week. I do not have the habit of doing that, so I stick to the old fashioned "cook when you wanna eat" motto. 

In addition to the potato, I decided to eat a slice of bread. Nomnom. This bread is slightly sweet, so it tastes really good with the liverpastej and pickles. Everything tastes better with pickles. 

I ought to start packing for next week. I will remember to take a lot of pictures and post it here. See you next week!

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